Sunday, May 07, 2006

tRuE fRiEnDs

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aRe GiFtS...
nOt EaSiLy GaInEd.
iT rOoTs FrOm OnE's HeArT..
aNd InVoLvE mEmOrIeS tHaT sTaY...

Apani?!!This are the effects of rotting.
One more week left and most of our friends here will be leaving for their further education liao.

Separation time.......again.

tO mEeT..tO kNoW..tO dEpArT..
iS tHe SaDdEsT tHiNg In A hUmAn HeArT.

It's difficult to find someone like you.It's like opening a hundred shells under the sea,just to find only a pearl.It's easy to make new friends,but not all of them will be the kinda friend we wanted them to be.I'm glad and proud to have the friends I have now.

College...I wonder how it's gonna be.Staying with friends for a few years,sitting with new classmates in class,new environment,new faces,etc etc.I have to be more independent,more brave,more confident on myself liao.If I lack of those attitude,I guess I'm going to be a loser...guar.Dad said.."In the world outside,you have to learn to be smart and alert all the time","No one going to help you,if you don't help yourself first".

Is it really that horrible out there,in the working world?,I'm going to wish all of dear friends,all the best to you, no matter what decision you gonna make.

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